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Guidelines for Press Releases and Content

Content and Press Release Guidelines for All Users

These guidelines apply to content headlines, body text, images, videos, source code, any external linking and any fields associated with content.

  • All content should be written in English, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • May not Allege illegal or unethical behavior on the part of another party.
  • May not Allege breach of contract on the part of another party, or otherwise threaten any party with litigation.
  • May not make false or misleading claims regarding the identified sponsor or any third party or the products or services of the identified sponsor of any third party.
  • Absolutely no inappropriate use of language or subject matter. This includes what may be perceived as mild or acceptable, so this means No: WTF, LMFAO, bad ass, kick ass, crappy, hell, etc. ***This is not a comprehensive list, use your best judgement***
  • {*} letter replacement is included in the above policy
  • No content should be geared towards children/minors.
  • Do not send duplicate content pieces, or very similar content spread across multiple content pieces. If you need to send a duplicate content piece, make sure that you contact us to delete the original content. ***You will be charged for all duplicates sent into the system.***
  • You must have legal permission/clearance for distribution of any images, video, and content that is subject copyright, trademark, rights of publicity, rights of privacy, etc. All content must be error-free, comply with applicable law and must not violate the rights of any third party. ***You will be held responsible for handling any such matters***
  • Digital piracy will not be accepted including circumventing external streaming platforms terms of service.
  • ➔ All Clients Content, context URLs and their destinations must adhere to these guidelines as well as any promotion of the content on external sites.
      • Content can not contain major network specific information (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX)
      • Clients and/or Clients’ clients are NOT ALLOWED to use specific station logos
      • Absolutely no links within content to partners on our distribution list.
      • No websites embedded in the body of a release
      • No hidden keywords in a releases source code
      • Must not link to illicit content
      • No linking to graphic imagery
      • No broken links
      • No clickbait
      • Tracking pixels are allowed, but must be both PII and GDPR compliant.
      • ADVERTORIALS: Restriction (Company promotion must be from a legitimate company that can prove validity) – No Scams, pyramid schemes, celebrity impersonations, junk science, etc.***If found it will be removed immediately.***
  • Prior to publication all content will be exposed to a quality assurance content filter that is set to the discretion of our company needs. This filter is updated regularly to meet the current needs of our content partners and our quality needs. If for any reason your content doesn’t post automatically, this is likely due to our automated filtering. In which case it will be manually reviewed within a timely manner (typically within 24 business hours).
  • ➔ Content being advertised within our network, must be legal within all 50 US states in order to be published. ◆ ***Any submitted release that is denied publication will still have contractual fees that apply (ie. no refunds)***
  • ◆ ***If your content infringes upon any one of these guidelines, is published into our system and it’s caught by our content filtering system, we may not be able to review the filtered content as effectively, and it may not be distributed.***
  • We reserve the right to remove content or suspend an account at any time for any reason.
  • We reserve the right to make changes to the guidelines at any time and without notice.
  • When in doubt or if you have any questions, contact us through your account support channel.

Headline And Summary

  • Headline must not be too long (under 80 characters), and have active verb and subject.
  • Headline should accurately present press release’s content.
  • Headline must be newsworthy (important and recent enough to be announced).
  • Summary should clearly describe press release’s content.
  • Your summary should be one to two sentences long.
  • Please do not use first paragraph as summary paragraph.

Content/Press Release Format

  • Press release should be written in proper English.
  • Press release should be written in third person.
  • Press release word count should be between 400 to 2500 words.
  • Press release should be objective – don’t use casual first person language (I, we, you, etc.)
  • Attach up to 3 images per press release not more than 200KB in file size (jpg, png or gif only).
  • Videos should be embedded correctly into press release.
  • Content should have a legitimate news angle (announcing something new and/or timely).
  • Don’t write your press release like an advertisement or a sales letter.
  • Content should keep an impartial tone throughout the press release.
  • Please don’t ask question(s) in a press release.
  • Use uppercase and lowercase lettering appropriately.
  • Avoid inserting JavaScript or other markup languages in your press release, such as  or . ONLY links eg.  are acceptable.
  • Please ensure links are formatted correctly and resolve correctly.
  • Make sure each paragraph is spaced out with a line.
  • Please ensure press release is properly formatted, e.g., do not double space unnecessarily. Use appropriate punctuation and symbols.
  • Only include a quote that someone actually might have said.
  • Press release links should be limited to 1 per 200 words.
  • Press releases should not contain references or links to sexually explicit material, illegal material or profane language.
  • Content should not have intent to harm or exact personal revenge against a person or group.
  • Spam related words that will be filtered out by spam filters should be refrained.
  • Include available contact information where possible.
  • Do not place email addresses within the body of the press release.
  • Include the city from where the release originates, usually the location of the company’s headquarters.
  • Content should contain no or few grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Do not use special characters and symbols in headline such as ™ or ©.

Prohibited Content And Activity

  • Signal Genesys does not accept releases that contain the following type of content:
    • Content in any other language other than English
    • Poorly written or spun content
    • Purely opinion or speculation
    • Mortgage, payday loans, cash, short-term or long-term loan services
    • Drug addiction, counseling or recovery services
    • Cannabis and medical cannabis
    • Escorts, pornography, sexual enhancement products or supplements
    • Breast augmentations, breast enlargement and other related med spa services
    • Radical, divisive or political opinion/view
    • Radical religious opinion/view
    • Libel, intent to harm or defame
    • Use of unauthorized or unregistered stock ticker symbols
    • Offline or online gambling including sports gambling
    • Topics regarding e-cigs or vaping including accessories, CBD with THC, HCG, Kratom, Garcinia Cambogia, or any illicit drugs
    • Topics regarding illegal device unlocking, rooting or jailbreaking of devices
    • Content which announces discounts, bonus, price cuts, sales, coupon codes or anything related to promotion of products/services, advertorials or news about promotions
    • Content that reads like an article without news value
    • Content about affiliate product reviews, product reviews or trials
    • Content about new website launches, new blog posts or content that generally does not carry a news value
    • Affiliate or cloaked links
    • Link stuffing or abusive link practices
    • Injecting code or hidden content, characters, links or images

General Guidelines

  • Content should keep an impartial tone throughout the press release.
  • Content should contain no or few grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Don’t write your press release like an advertisement or a sales letter.

The content submitted to Signal shall not contain any content that is obscene, libelous, slanderous or otherwise defamatory, false or misleading or which violates any copyright, right of privacy or publicity or other right of any person and agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including to all those applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to “SPAM”.

Under all circumstances, Signal Genesys reserves the right at all times and without previous notification to approve, disapprove or remove parts or all the published/submitted documents as long as it is inappropriate to be published. Any decision made by the Signal Genesys team shall be FINAL and it cannot be questioned.

Under all circumstances, content distributed by Signal Genesys can be removed without prior notification. Distribution partners receiving Signal Genesys content reserve the right to remove any or all content sourced from Signal Genesys and our agency partners at their discretion.

All submitted content MUST make have proper grammar and punctuation for the English language. Low quality content or content that has improper grammatical references will be rejected.

Disclaimer: Under any and all circumstances, the Signal Genesys team reserves the exclusive right at all times and without previous notification to approve, disapprove or remove parts or all the published/submitted documents as long as it is deemed to be inappropriate content to be published or is deemed to infringe upon any of the above stated media and news site guidelines, in the sole opinion of the Signal Genesys team. Any decision made by Signal Genesys shall be final without exception.

Any violations of these rules and terms of service may result in suspension or termination of your account. Any account terminated for violation of these terms will not receive any refund for rejected articles or for credits already purchased. No exceptions.

These terms will change from time to time without prior notice and you are advised to visit this page for updates frequently.

Sensitive Topic Guidance for Certain Niches

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