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Prosperity PPC’s Digital Marketing Evolution: Conquering SEO Challenges with Signal Genesys

Prosperity PPC




Quantum Newswire, Dynamic Signal Generation, Signal Report.



Returns from Cost of Investment

1 Tool

Replaced 10 different SEO tools

1 Month

To close over $116K in invoices

Prosperity PPC is a digital marketing agency specializing in Google Ads management for water restoration and odor remediation companies. Led by Larry Hickman, the agency has built a reputation for driving effective paid search campaigns, providing content creation, and managing social media across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. However, as the digital marketing landscape evolved, clients began requesting additional services, particularly in the realm of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). While Prosperity PPC excelled in paid advertising, they were not equipped to deliver SEO services. Recognizing this gap, Larry set out to find a scalable, efficient solution that would allow his agency to meet growing client demands without compromising the quality of their core services.


Prosperity PPC’s challenge was clear: clients were increasingly asking for SEO services, but the agency lacked the in-house expertise and streamlined tools to deliver these effectively. Larry faced the daunting task of either hiring a dedicated SEO team or finding a reliable solution that could integrate seamlessly with his existing services. Compounding this issue was the fact that most available SEO solutions required the integration of five to ten different tools, each with its own learning curve and limitations. This patchwork approach was neither time-efficient nor cost-effective, making it difficult for Prosperity PPC to provide a cohesive and comprehensive SEO service.


While searching for a better approach, Larry was introduced to Signal Genesys through a Facebook group where another agency owner shared his success with the platform. Signal Genesys immediately stood out because it offered a unified platform that could cover multiple aspects of SEO and digital PR without the need for complicated integrations. Prosperity PPC implemented Signal Genesys’ Quantum Newswire and Dynamic Signal Generation Engine for Agencies to streamline their SEO processes. This comprehensive solution addressed their SEO challenges. The platform provided a proven, time-tested process that would save Prosperity PPC valuable time and resources, allowing them to offer robust SEO services without having to reinvent the wheel. Prosperity PPC decided to leverage Signal Genesys to build out their SEO offerings.


The platform’s capabilities enabled them to efficiently create and distribute press releases to over 50 reputable media outlets, boosting their clients’ online visibility and authority. Additionally, the Signal Report, a unique feature of Signal Genesys, became an essential tool for Larry’s team. This report provided detailed data on the number of SEO signals generated and their impact, which was invaluable in demonstrating the effectiveness of their SEO efforts to clients. It bridged the gap between the “mystical” nature of SEO and the concrete results that clients could see and understand. By combining the power of Signal Genesys’ Quantum Newswire with high-quality content creation, Prosperity PPC was able to offer a comprehensive SEO service that complemented their existing Google Ads management. The well-written and researched articles produced through the platform not only met but often exceeded client expectations, further differentiating Prosperity PPC from other agencies. This strategic approach enabled the agency to seamlessly expand into SEO while maintaining their reputation for delivering high-value services. “This is just going to save us a lot of time of implementation, trial and error, research, and stitching all these uh applications together to create a more complete solution for our customers.” – Larry Hickman


The results of integrating Signal Genesys were remarkable for Prosperity PPC. Within the first month, one client alone closed over $116,700 in invoices, a success attributed to the increased online presence and engagement driven by the platform’s SEO efforts. The ability to provide clients with tangible evidence of their SEO work, through the Signal Report, significantly boosted client satisfaction and trust. This transparency allowed Prosperity PPC to command premium pricing for their SEO services, charging between 10 to 20 times the cost of their investment (2000% in returns), thanks to the perceived value of the comprehensive press release distribution and content creation. Moreover, clients quickly recognized that the level of service and results provided by Prosperity PPC through Signal Genesys could not be easily duplicated. The high perceived value of these offerings, combined with the agency’s ability to deliver consistent results, led to improved client retention and satisfaction. The partnership with Signal Genesys not only allowed Prosperity PPC to expand its service offerings but also helped solidify long-term relationships with clients by delivering exceptional value. “The results of using quantum news wire have been really great; it’s actually been pretty fantastic.” – Larry Hickman


Prosperity PPC’s collaboration with Signal Genesys transformed the agency’s service capabilities, enabling them to scale SEO offerings without compromising quality or efficiency. For agencies facing similar challenges in expanding their service portfolio, Signal Genesys provides a reliable, integrated solution that simplifies SEO management and delivers measurable results.

"Our clients are always impressed with the content that is done, whether graphically or how well written and well researched the articles are. It just has a huge perceived value."

( Larry Hickman )

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